Our philosophy
Understand & assist
The best conversationalists are the ones who listen: we know we can’t help until we’ve listened. And that’s the first step we take on any project.
Keep it simple & proactive
Our clients are busy enough; we make sure the process and workflows of our project are clear and simplified so that we can achieve goals faster together, complication-free.
Patiently collaborate
We know in our space, projects require iterations. Our approach centers on fostering collaboration between all parties involved, using patience as the guiding principle. We’ll learn and grow together.
Enjoy the process
No amount of work is worth it if it’s not enjoyable. That’s why at every point throughout our relationship with a client, we focus on keeping it fun and invite out-of-the-box thinking; it’s the only way real impact can be created.
Our team
tom fung
director, creative services
honrio cham
director, business development
david yoshida
director, systems development
peiying lai
UI UX designer
alex ng
web developer & analyst
alicia jordan
theodore paris
instructional designer / videographer
adrian luo
front-end developer & designer
frankie zhong
front-end developer & designer